Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Brenda Walker

Are we in a 'race' for life?
Do you have to hurry through
All that each day offers you
Do you jump right out of bed
and make a list to save your head?
Rush through breakfast and a shower
Not quite sure if you have enough power
to get you where you're going?

Or – do you appreciate the dawn
and every day that you awake
look forward to what it brings
translating the songs the blackbird sings
Delighting in butterflies, bees and bugs
Getting or giving a friendly hug –
that stays with you all day
and arriving at sleep the tranquil way.

Our world has turmoil which we cannot fix
One thing we can do in such a heavy mix
is place ourselves in the centre of peace
and share our lot with those who have least
We don't have to know it all, be it all, try it all
Our ordinary self is simply all we need to be
If we can make our contributions authenticly
we'll find joy just being alive.

So, next time it feels like you are in a race
to get yourself through the day
Pause awhile in a 'Wordsworthesque' way –
Watch the clouds, feel the breeze, admire the trees
and just enjoy your place in the world. 

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